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Year 3

A special welcome to Year 2 as they begin their journey to Freegrounds Junior School. We are really looking forward to greeting you in September. Your teachers are already busy planning an exciting curriculum for next year and cannot wait to get to know you all. We hope that this page will provide you with some useful information ahead of the academic year and a chance to see what enjoyable learning Year 3 has in store.

We hope you have a lovely summer,

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Transition Presentation for Parents and Carers

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Class Teachers Messages

Hello Elm Class,

I am Miss Scott and I will be your Year 3 teacher. I am very excited to see you all again in September – I know Buzz is too! Our first topic, will be about the United Kingdom and there will be lots of fun learning for us to complete. There will also be exciting school trips that we will go on across the school year. I hope you all have a really lovely summer and I am looking forward to seeing you in our new classroom! 😊

Hello lovely Ash class!

I am Miss Cockram and I am so excited about being your class teacher in Year 3 and getting to know all of you.  We have lots of wonderful and interesting topics planned for next year, as well as some excellent school trips which you will all love! I hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in September.

Hi Oak Class,

I’m Mr Parsons and I will be teaching you on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.  I am really excited about teaching in Year 3 and getting to know all of you.  We have some really fun and exciting topics to look forward to as well as some amazing trips. I hope you have a fantastic summer – I can’t wait to see you all in September!


Hello Oak class,

I’m Mrs Blake and I will be teaching you on a Monday and Tuesday in September and will be in school every day. I am super pleased to be teaching in Year 3, not only because of the brilliant topics that we will learn about, but also because I am keen to be part of your exciting transition to the junior school. There’s so much for us to look forward to in September, including our topic ‘The United Kingdom’, and Mrs Parsons, Frederick and I can’t wait to see you then!