Year 5
Home Learning for Thursday 2nd November 2023
All the files you need for these tasks can be found at the bottom of the page.
Please read the poem 'Journey of the River' and answer the questions. Use the answer sheet to check your work.
If you find this text tricky to read by yourself and an adult is not available to read it to you, try one of the phonics comprehensions instead.
This half term we are learning about rivers. We would like you to draw inspiration from the images below and what you discovered during our talk from Wessex Water yesterday, to write about rivers. You can choose what type of writing you would like to do.
You could write:
- A recount of yesterday's talk. Include the 5Ws (who, what, when, where and why); what happened; some facts from the talk and what you enjoyed about it.
- A poem about a river. Include lots of descriptive vocabulary. Think about whether you want to portray the river in a calm or ferocious way.
- A short story set in or near a river. Think about what characters may be there and what they are doing.
- A description of one of the rivers in the pictures or another river you have seen.
- Anything else you would like to write, inspired by the theme of rivers.
We look forward to reading your writing!
For today's school closure you will have two maths tasks to complete. You can do this by editing the document online, downloading and printing it off or writing your answers out on paper. (We know this may prove difficult as you will have access to different resources at home so please just try your best).
The tasks are based on your geometry learning from last year. This will act as an opportunity for retrieval practice and provide an opportunity to secure the objectives from last year before moving on to this year's geometry objectives.
Task 1: Triangles
Please watch the following video and complete the corresponding worksheet. (If you cannot edit the worksheet or print it out at home, try your best to write out the answers on a piece of paper).
Task 2: Polygons
Please watch the following video and complete the corresponding worksheet. (If you cannot edit the worksheet or print it out at home, try your best to write out the answers on a piece of paper).
Additional tasks: Optional
1) Go on a shape hunt at home. Search for different triangles and polygons around your home- perhaps use a camera to take photos of them.
2) Draw a picture using a range of types of triangles.
3) Create a poster about what you have learnt.